Monday, February 6, 2012

APOD 3.4

This week's, Feb. 6th, picture features the Orion Nebula, or more specifically, the dust of the Orion Nebula. The Nebula is located 1600 light years away and is a star forming region. The  star that seems to be dying is a very large and cool star, relatively speaking of course, whose strong solar flares and solar winds are able to blow away the upper atmosphere of the star, creating this giant dust cloud. Now, the new forming stars are sucking up all of the leftover dust in the surrounding vacuum space and are slowly eating the remaining dust in order to grow and become a bigger and brighter star. eventually, this means the entire area should be devoid of dust and instead filled with large and beautiful stars with their accompanying solar systems, if they are lucky enough to get a planet.

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