Tuesday, February 28, 2012

How do stars form?

First, we must have a gaseous nebula or super nova remnant. this gas cloud is going to consist of hydrogen and helium mainly, with a few other things in very miniscule amounts. Virial theorem states as long as the internal energy of cloud stays above twice the gravitational force then the cloud will stay a cloud. If not, then the process for star formation begins. The cloud begins to collapse on itself and hydrogen atoms start to  clump, and this clump gets bigger and bigger as more clumps become one larger clump. as this occurs the core of this soon to be star heats up, and does not stop anytime soon. eventually, the star's core will "ignite", meaning the critical temperature needed start nuclear fusion will be reached and star will be born! *Another possible star formation event can be a supernova going off close enough to a gas cloud, compressing the gas cloud rapidly, and kick starting the star formation process by speeding up the gravitational collapse.*

Viral Theorem:

2 \left\langle T \right\rangle = -\sum_{k=1}^N \left\langle \mathbf{F}_k \cdot \mathbf{r}_k \right\rangle
examples of star formation. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Observation Q3 P1

Date: February 15, 2012
Time: 7:00-9:00 PM
Place: North Port
Sky Conditions: Clear and without a moon.

Instruments Used: eyes

Planets: Jupiter and Venus were spotted in the west rather close to each other and at the end of the observation period i believe i saw Saturn peaking over and starting its transit across the night sky.

Bright Stars noted: Betelgeuse, Rigel, Castor, Pollux, Capella, Aldebaran: Sirius and Procyon were in the sky but i am not sure exactly which stars were these stars behind Orion.

Constellations noted: Orion, Auriga, Lynx, Gemini, Taurus, what may have been the start of Eridanus, Ursa major, Lepus and part of Columbus.

I know that i saw at least two shooting stars, one of which flew in a way like an arrow hitting Taurus from directly above.
Also noted were the Hyades and the Pleiades very visible in Taurus.

Monday, February 6, 2012

APOD 3.1

This week's picture showcases the Large Magellanic Cloud, our own little satellite galaxy. This week's image is actually the cloud as seen through infrared telescopes. This little irregular galaxy orbits our own and is actually a star forming galaxy, meaning that life could be taking form inside it as well. The most notable feature of the cloud is the Tarantula Nebula, a massive star forming region shown in the left hand area of the portrait. A quick jump of 160,000 light years away, the L.M.C. is 30,000 light years across and primarily a dusty region. Although some areas are star forming others are not and are dying out, just visible as small flecks of red in the picture.


Apod 3.2

Today's picture features NGC 3239and SN 2012A. NGC 3239 is the very irregular but gigantic galaxy pictured front and center. In the constellation Leo, this galaxy occupies a grand total of roughly 40 thousand light years and is a mere 25 million light years away. The general belief is that this galaxy is the result of two galaxies colliding in a an epic stellar car crash. SN 2012A is a supernova featured in the main, lower body area of the Galaxy and was the first confirmed supernova of 2012...but, this occurred 25 million years ago because we are 25 million light years away from the galaxy.


Apod 3.3

This weeks picture is from January 31st and is a picture of the Helix Nebula. The Helix Nebula is located in Aquarius, the water bearer, and is the remains of a star that is theorized to have been very sun like when it was an active star. Now, the center of the star is cooling off to become a white dwarf while the remains are supercharged by the radiation from the left over core. This beautiful looking nebula only lies 700 light years away and spans a full 2.5 light years across by itself. it is my personal hope that this photo represents a glimpse of what our great great great...ect children get to see from other planets we have traveled to as it happens to our solar system. It would be a spectacular way for our solar system to cease from existing.


APOD 3.4

This week's, Feb. 6th, picture features the Orion Nebula, or more specifically, the dust of the Orion Nebula. The Nebula is located 1600 light years away and is a star forming region. The  star that seems to be dying is a very large and cool star, relatively speaking of course, whose strong solar flares and solar winds are able to blow away the upper atmosphere of the star, creating this giant dust cloud. Now, the new forming stars are sucking up all of the leftover dust in the surrounding vacuum space and are slowly eating the remaining dust in order to grow and become a bigger and brighter star. eventually, this means the entire area should be devoid of dust and instead filled with large and beautiful stars with their accompanying solar systems, if they are lucky enough to get a planet.
